JustKids News
Now available: Updated regional versions of the handbook Raising a Family Member’s Child. Read More
We’re now taking registrations for the Saturday Club, a fun weekend activity program for kids ages 6 to 12. Co-presented by the Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver and JustKids. Call 604-520-1166 for more information.
Welcome to JustKids

When a parent goes to prison, kids pay a price. For more than half, that price will one day include a jail term of their own. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
With the right supports, children with a parent involved in the justice system can enjoy the same prospects for a bright future as any other child. JustKids seeks to inspire the creation of those supports across Canada.
We believe that while bars may stand between kids and their parents, they shouldn’t stand between kids and their future. And we know that together, we can break the cycle of justice system involvement.